Mark Green Scolds Nancy Pelosi for Her Behavior During Coronavirus Emergency


U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) on Wednesday blasted Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12) for using the coronavirus emergency as an excuse to impose a left-wing agenda through Congress.

Green said in a press release that Pelosi was wrong to try to tie “a radical leftist agenda through Congress by tying it to much-needed aid for American families and small businesses.”

“Pelosi and the House Democrats are shamelessly abusing this crisis to remake America in the image of their socialist agenda, knowing full well they failed with impeachment to stifle the voice of the American people. They are holding relief hostage by making it contingent on Green New Deal legislation and eliminating essential resources for our Border Patrol agents, stuffing this bill with socialist wish-list items that would never pass unless tied to essential relief for American families and small businesses,” Green said.

“Pelosi’s bill is chock-full of sweetheart union deals and bailouts for Big Labor, and it destroys election integrity by implementing same-day voter registration and nationalizing federal elections. Any true economic relief the bill offers would be made fruitless by these add-ons.”

In his press release, Green cited the following examples:

• A $1 billion “cash for clunkers” airplane program

• $20 billion to bail out the U.S. Postal Service

• $200 million on research for renewable jet fuel

• $35 million for the Kennedy Center

“This legislative blackmail routine is just another page from the partisan playbook that brought us the impeachment circus, with even farther-reaching effects,” Green’s press release said. “Facing likely defeat in November, this is their last stand.”

As The Tennessee Star reported last week, the coronavirus emergency has prompted Green to speak out on other matters pertaining to the federal government.

U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos said the federal government would waive standardized testing for the 2019-2020 school year because of the ongoing coronavirus emergency.

This, after Green asked DeVos to recognize the impact the coronavirus emergency has had on schools’ abilities to administer statewide assessments.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Nancy Pelosi” by Nancy Pelosi.







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2 Thoughts to “Mark Green Scolds Nancy Pelosi for Her Behavior During Coronavirus Emergency”

  1. Steve Allen

    I’m still waiting? As the Democrats hold up the vote on the virus funding relief bill (by attaching numerous socialist pork barrel programs) people are suffering financially because they cannot work. What do all the millionaires in congress care. I cannot believe that this is happening. To all the sanctimonious Liberal/Socialist Democrats out there, your party has sunk to an all time low.

  2. Steve Allen

    I would love to hear from some of the Democratic readers of the Tennessee Star as to how this kind of behavior is justified. The Nation is going through a potential health and economic crisis and the the Dems in the House try to pull this kind of BS. You will be get your do in November.
